4 Benefits of Building a Buyer Persona

June 27, 2019

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Simply put, creating buyer personas shows what your audience likes/dislikes, wants/needs. When you are able to successfully create an illustrated and detailed buyer persona, you’re putting a lot of data together in order to see what type of person you are trying to sell to.

Where does someone drive often, what type of coffee do they prefer, how many children are they raising. All of these mundane things about someone can in reality help you create their persona.

Hubspot.com defines a buyer persona as a,

“Representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers. When creating your buyer persona(s), consider including customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals.”

Benefits of Creating a Buyer Persona

  1. Attract valuable visitors and conversions

  2. Determines where you put the bulk of your marketing campaign efforts

  3. Creates inflection points in products

  4. Allows for calibration across company when everyone knows the ideal buyer persona

If you clearly define your ideal buyer persona your efforts always help clarify exactly the type of people/buyer that you know may want to see your product/service. Consumers expect companies’ offers to always be personalized!

More than two-thirds of millennials feel that way, however, two-thirds of marketers find personalization difficult to execute. Every generation likes to see items that they may be interested in purchasing.

We think that in order to create a successful marketing campaign you are certainly going to want to know every aspect of your ideal buyer. The more personalized and tailored your ad is the easier it will be to specifically pin down who to show it to.

If someone is constantly googling  ‘running shoes’ or ‘electric cars’, then they will expect to see ads tailored to them on their social media platforms and web platforms determinant upon certain things.

John Scheer, in a post written for Forbes.com said,

“If you know that your ideal customer is a 28-year-old business woman named Sally, who has two children under five, drives a Volkswagen and shops primarily at Whole Foods, you’re in a much better position to begin crafting a visual and verbal identity that will resonate with her than if you simply worked toward an end goal with a “twenty-something female” in mind.”

That example of Sally is a perfect representation of how detailed and specific you can be when creating buyer personas.