When Facebook and Instagram first introduced live video to their respective platforms, it was extremely popular. If you weren’t recording a live video, you were watching one. As time progressed,…
We’ve created a complete five-step instruction guide to plan your video marketing strategy for 2018. As Yelling Mule plans to create and market more video content in the upcoming year ourselves, we thought it might be helpful for us to create a step-by-step guide for any small businesses who aren’t sure where to begin.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…which means ’tis the season of giveaway (not to mention the season of optimizing your online strategies)! On Thursday, December 7th, we’ll be starting…
It really doesn’t matter what kind of business you’re running anymore – local or national, you need some kind of social media presence. Most especially if you have a restaurant….
If you have ever worked in the digital media world, then you have probably received a question or two on how to make ‘the Facebook work.’ The truth is there is a lot of people out there who are still trying to grasp the ever-changing landscape of social media. So, whether its your boss or client, here are 7 things they likely want to know about social media.
It’s not easy being a team of one, most definitely not. In between content creation, curation, genuine engagement, puppeteering strategy, photo editing, tweaking design, monitoring growth – social media can…
We’re so excited to be starting 2017! It’s certainly going to be an exciting year for Yelling Mule and digital marketing. Here are the digital marketing trends we’re predicting for…
Let’s start 2017 by getting rid of the concept of hard-selling! We’re not saying you should never sell yourself, but most of your engagement and content should not revolve around…
Your profile picture is everything! Generally speaking, the photography you use in your social media campaign speaks volumes about your business. More importantly, your profile picture is what everyone will…
What makes for a highly successful social media manager? Well, besides an enormous amount of coffee, there is plenty that goes into any social media position. Social media can be very time consuming, but if you manage your time properly and rely on these habits as your guideline, then you’ll do fine!
We’ve started a new ‘Behind-the-Scenes’ segment called Team Tuesdays! Every Tuesday, we’re going to feature a different Yelling Mule staff member so you can learn a little about the dream…
So, you might be asking “Who cares?! I don’t need a content calendar!” Well, false. You do. Everyone does. Most especially if you are managing more than one social media account. Planning week by week is not an efficient use of time. With a calendar and pre-planned posts, you’ll be able to utilize your time more wisely and make great content with less stress!
If you go from images to video, it sends a powerful message to your target demographic. With more people using Vimeo lately, it has turned into a debate: “Which video platform is better for my business?” Well, it really depends on the goals of your business.