5 Common Email Marketing Mistakes

November 9, 2023


Tips & Tricks

Marketing through email campaigns is a tried and tested method of reaching existing and potential new customers. When utilized properly, email marketing can be a great asset to your digital marketing strategy.


If you have noticed a decrease in subscription rates or less engagement with your company’s recent email initiatives, here are some common mistakes you could be making:


Not Testing Your Emails

You can send a test email to yourself or a colleague before sending the message off to a mass email list. Check the links to make sure they are active and run the copy through a spelling and grammar check platform. Also, the email format should be accessible to all and work on mobile devices. As of 2023, 81% of emails are opened on mobile devices so it is crucial that your content is formatted correctly for both phones and tablets.


Not Targeting a Specific Audience

Do not send mass emails to large groups of people that are not specialized to target a demographic that aligns with your niche.


Challenging Language

Try to avoid overly formal language in the email copy. What you write should be accessible to all and about a fifth grade reading level. It can be hard to even guarantee that your emails are even being delivered into inboxes nowadays. Being the era of click bait, many people try getting spam mail by having emails immediately sent to junk if they have a subject line with the words “free” or “click here” in them.


Not Personalized

Personalized content has statistically led to higher click rates than general emails. You can try including the person’s first name in the greeting or include localized details. Instead of adding your company’s logo in your signature, we recommend adding an image of your signature. This small action makes readers feel like the email is more likely to be from a person than an automatic, templated message sent by bots.


Frequency of Emails

Do not send too many emails! Spamming will immediately result in people unsubscribing from your newsletter. We recommend sending emails a maximum of once a week, but at least once a month.


For more information about email marketing check out the ‘What is Email Marketing?’ blog to gain more insight on the basics!