Does Your Website Need Maintenance?

November 22, 2023


Tips & Tricks

Website maintenance is an important and necessary part of any online platform’s longevity. This can entail updating content, checking cyber protection and  running scans to monitor web traffic. All of these actions combined work to make your website the best functionality for users. Yelling Mule offers maintenance services to keep your new/ renovated website up to date and optimized long after its creation. Here are the 4 different maintenance services to explore at Yelling Mule!

WordPress & Plugin Updates

On WordPress, new editions of plugins are released year round. It’s essential to update plugins to the newest version as developers improve their software and fix bugs. Your website may be put at risk or load slowly if you aren’t maintaining the plugins on a regular basis. As a result, this could impact your conversion rate if people leave your site because of long loading times.

Site Rebuilds & Cleanups

Changing content on your website over time is a good business practice. People can tell when a website’s format or imagery is old, which can deter people from staying online. Remove all of this.

Malware Removal & Prevention

Malware can get into your website undetected and  present itself in many different formats from the site looking different to running slowly/ freeze or not showing up on search engines. Yelling Mule can assist you in providing security measures to protect attacks as well as remove malicious code.


Make sure your business networks, websites, and devices are secured from cyber attacks with preemptive, prevention technology. In a cyber attack confidential information from your servers may be stolen. This can happen to both businesses big and small. Cybercriminals don’t discriminate and work to ransom your data to the highest bidder. You may be wondering how to avoid cybersecurity attacks? Our best advice would be to start by being wary of suspicious emails, improve passwords, and download carefully.


Yelling Mule services specialize in securing businesses online and can assist you with all of your questions and needs. Mule Force, our sister company, is utilized to protect you!