Our Top Design Tips

September 15, 2022

Web Design

Design is all around us. Whether we are aware of it or not, design affects us every day. Everything you touch that is human-made has been designed. But, what makes a good design?

Design aesthetics are very subjective, but appearances don’t mean everything. Yes, beauty attracts attention and has the potential to hold it, but the primary goal of design is to fulfill a function, address an issue, or both. The aesthetic only serves to emphasize the message; the messaging and functionality are what matter. To accomplish its objectives and produce the finest work possible, designers follow a set of guiding principles:


  • Contrast

Contrast distinguishes several components of a design from one another. Red and yellow, for example, clash because they are too close to one another on the color wheel to be visually distinguished, giving the viewer a real headache.

  • Balance

A composition’s components should be placed either symmetrically, asymmetrically, or radially to give the appearance that they are balanced in weight or importance.

  • Emphasis

Highlight!!! Did this get your attention? Certain components of a design stand out from the rest when there is emphasis on them. It can also be used to decrease how vividly a piece stands out. These principles, such as contrast, movement, scale, or balance, can accomplish the necessary emphasis.

  • Proportion

The size of the elements in relation to one another is referred to as proportion. Larger components are frequently perceived as being more significant than smaller ones.

  • Hierarchy

The hierarchy of a design describes the importance of its constituent elements. The most significant pieces should appear to be the most relevant.

  • Repetition

An idea or viewpoint  is strengthened through repetition. It can be achieved by using the same format for headers, the same colors, or similar images.

  • Rhythm

Regular or irregular rhythm can be created by how elements are spaced apart. Rhythms can evoke a range of feelings, including relaxation (with regular rhythms) and enthusiasm (with irregular rhythms).

  • Pattern

The repeating of particular visual components, such as a single structure or a variety of forms, is known as a pattern. Patterns can be utilized to establish harmony, uniformly arrange surfaces, or generate contrast.

  • White Space

Areas of a design without any design elements are referred to as white space or negative space. This area is crucial for making a design uncluttered and for highlighting different elements.

  • Movement

Movement is the way a person’s eyes move across a design. The eye’s movement throughout the composition guides the focus from one element to the next. Positioning, emphasizing, and other design principles can accomplish this.

  • Variety

Variety gives a design visual interest. You can use design elements, including font, color, images, and textures to create it. It keeps designs from becoming repetitive and uninteresting.

  • Unity

Integrity refers to how well a design’s components work as a whole. To help illustrate a clear, concise message, each piece should have a clear visual connection with every other element.