Yelling Mule Turned Six Today!

March 23, 2016

Company News

March 23rd is Yelling Mule’s birthday, and this year we are celebrating our sixth year in business. I can’t believe how fast the years have gone by!

Every year on this day I like to stop and reflect on the years past. We’ve seen tremendous growth these past two years and it wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing clients. The entire Yelling Mule team wants to say THANK YOU to our loyal clients.

We also moved to Boston this past year and love being in the city, especially with the majority of our clients being in here as well. The move helped to establish us as the #1 Boston Web Design Company and all of the new work that comes with that. That being said, we’re hiring! Check out our open positions and if you know anyone who’s a good fit please send them our way!

Last but not least I want to say thank you to all of our amazing employees! It is your hard work, dedication and talent that help get us to #1 and keeps the awards coming in each year. Thank you for everything you do!

– James & Matt



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