Social Media Platforms to Keep Your Eye On

August 5, 2016

Small Business

Social Media


Is it already ‪Freebie Friday‬?!

With all the Instagram versus Snapchat talk, we decided to run you through a few ‪‎Social Media‬ platforms to keep an eye on!
Let’s start with Wanelo which basically stands for “want, need, love” is an up and coming app for online shopping. In some ways, it’s similar to Pinterest in terms of seeing what your friends “want and love” and having the ability to save it for later. This is an interesting platform to look out for in case people start featuring a “buy now” option instead of likes.

Next, is the Periscope App. This is a mixed bag now because Instagram and Facebook have entered the realm of live streaming. Live streaming is becoming insanely huge with niche channels like @twitch for gamers, etc. But let’s be real, all of these live streaming avenues are now competing and working on improving themselves to be king. There’s not one to overlook. Not now.

Ello is another platform to watch carefully. In many ways, it’s the “anti-social network.” Rather than it being a place to post what you’re doing, who you are and where you are – Ello focuses on connecting with creatives for inspiration. It’s totally free of ads which makes it unique. They’ve pledged to remain ad-free forever which is a turnoff to a lot of businesses but could definitely be an interesting outlet and avenue to a variety of creative types.

Medium is another platform inviting and promoting content curation between writers and readers alike. The design is clean and the concept is simple but definitely effective.

Lastly, of course we’re going to discuss Instagram and Snapchat further!

These two are now head to head. It’s crazy how much live streaming video has blown up but with the direction of technology and media, it’s not at all surprising. Instagram is building upon the obvious, creating an all-in-one space where people don’t have to run to Snapchat to send their photos and quickie videos. Instagram has always been about viewing, consuming and pushing content – not creating, until now. Snapchat was always the opposite, the creator and not the frame. It was the place you created your artwork. Things are obviously getting more complicated.

Now, we just have to wait and see what Snapchat comes up with next.

Your move, Snapchat!

Check out our other posts about Social Media.