Finding the Best Times to Post on Social Media

August 1, 2019

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When posting on business social media accounts, it’s extremely important to have a detailed content calendar. An organized plan for your content allows you to see what you will be posting during each quarter.

If you want to learn more about content calendars, we have covered them previously on our blog, check it out if you have any questions.


However, for this weeks post we are going to cover how having great content isn’t always the only factor when posting because it also matters what time you post it.

So while you may have good content that you want to share, you need to go through a quick checklist.


  • Choose your platform:

    • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – Each platform has its own uniqueness and posts perform differently on each.

  • Target audience:

    • What age group, marital status, income, education are you trying to reach.

  • Regions you’re after:

    • Don’t forget timezones! Focus on posting when the majority of your target demo might be online.

  • Your goals overall:

    •  informative – impressions – engagement – clicks – conversions.

Now that you have those parameters set, it’s time to choose specifically what day and time of day you want to post on each individual platform. We have compiled what we find are the most efficient times. We broke the data down into platform, best times, best day, etc.



  • Best times to post to Facebook are from the times 11:00 am – 1:00 pm.

  • Best day to post on Facebook is Wednesday

  • Safest times to post are weekdays from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


  • Best times to post on Instagram are Friday from 10:00 a.m –11:00 a.m.

  • Best day to post on Instagram is also Wednesday.

  • The least amount of engagement occurs during late night and early morning from 11:00 p.m.– 3:00 a.m.


  • Best times to post on Twitter are Wednesday at 9:00-10:00 a.m. & Fridays in the morning time.

  • Best days to post on Twitter are Tuesday and Wednesday

  • Safest times to post are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


To read more like this check out all of our social media blogs here!