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The Coolest Apps Started by Our Fellow Bostonians: Food For All

Americans alone waste 38 million tons of food every year; apparently, that’s enough food “to balance a scale with all of the blue whales left in the world, multiplied by 10, stacked on the other side.” And that’s just Americans. If the environmental results from food waste aren’t enough to sway you, how about this: I just logged into Food For All and saw a Mexican burrito bowl on sale for $4.00…

Is The World Running Out of Domain Extensions?

Remember when AIM became really popular, and it gradually became harder and harder to find any AIM username not already taken? You’d sit there adding numbers and symbols and misspelling…

The Coolest Apps Started by Our Fellow Bostonians: Icebrkr

When I sat down to speak with Kevin, co-founder of IceBrkr with Matt, he mentioned something interesting. He said, “You know, when people think of search engines, they usually say only one: Google. But when you ask them what dating sites they’re on, they usually give you about five different answers… [because] no one’s quite nailed it yet.”

The Coolest Apps Started by Our Fellow Bostonians: EchoMe

Prior to speaking to Christian, I’d pictured EchoMe, an app Christian co-founded with fellow Boston College student Michael Gordon, as being perfect for you if you’re that guy at the party who won’t unplug his phone from the AUX or allow anyone else to make any song requests because you’re loving the chance to play DJ. I knew you could connect the app with your music streaming service and listen to music in real-time with your friends, influencers, musicians, athletes–anyone. I also knew, as someone whose songs are constantly being vetoed on long road-trips for being too overplayed (I’m a little behind in the music scene, alright?), I’d probably be more of a listener than a leader.

The Coolest Apps Started by Our Fellow Bostonians: Date Seat

As someone guilty of having that one great Saturday night spot, that one awesome Sunday brunch spot, and those two fun date-night spots (branching out here, people), I think a lot of us struggle to figure out which restaurants and bars in Boston are worth checking out, and for which occasion. Most of us rely on word-of-mouth, which is rough for those of us new to the area (or for those of us with two friends).

Meet Our New Intern!

It’s summertime in Boston and we’ve got a new face at Yelling Mule! This month, we’re welcoming our newest Social Media Intern, Eric. Eric Jansen Hi everyone, my name is…