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How to Excel in the New Year: Web Design Strategies for 2018

Here are eight web design trends expected to flourish in 2018. 2018 will be the year of efficiency when it comes to web design. Now, think about efficiency, when it comes to your website. Your website primarily exists to increase conversions, right? So, in 2018, what is the user going to expect, and want, out of a website?

How to SEO: 9 Tips Everyone Should Know

So are you wondering what is SEO and why should you care?  Go ahead and read on to find out. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) affects the exposure of your website…

What Mobile Option is Best for My Business?

What I have noticed after working with small businesses for the last few years is that as new options are talked about more on the web, clients bring up options without fully understanding why something should be built one way or the other. Even importantly what they need and what their visitors need.