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Meet Our New Intern!

It’s summertime in Boston and we’ve got a new face at Yelling Mule! This month, we’re welcoming our newest Social Media Intern, Eric. Eric Jansen Hi everyone, my name is…

7 Signs You Need A New Website in 2015

To some it may be pretty obvious of when you need a new website… you just look at it and cringe.  It’s now 2015, so I hope you have a…

The Truth About The Fold

It’s common talk in the website development industry to discuss “the fold” and the content that goes “above the fold.”  The fold is the bottom of the browser where content…

Why do we care about UX? Because every $1 invested in UX yields a $2 to $100 return

User Experience (UX) is one of those things people think they can skip in a web design project. But when every $1 invested in UX yields a $2 to $100 return, you’d be crazy to skip it! If you have a website or are starting a new web project soon, this is a must read.

Welcome to the Yelling Mule Blog

Welcome to Yelling Mule! We are incredibly excited to be making our first push as a company into the blogosphere. We have a lot on our minds and a lot to share on how to make your site and business more successful. Getting your site found and converting your visitors into business is the bottom line of any website strategy. Understanding why your site is working and what can be done to increase your success rate is invaluable and something that our entire team here is dedicated to achieving.