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Marketing to Gen Z

Capturing new Gen Z clients isn’t as difficult as it may seem! As a member of Gen Z, I can identify a few differentiating qualities that make this generation unique…

Digital Dialogue EP 78: Google Ads vs Bing Ads

On this week’s episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott are discussing both Bing and Google ads. They share what they are, what they have in common and how they…

Digital Dialogue EP 46: AIM Young Professionals Networking Night

Featured in this episode, Katelyn and Scott are promoting the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) Young Professionals Networking Night being held at Capo Restaurant on August 21st, 2019! For more…

What’s New in the World of Social Media

A lot can happen in a short amount of time, especially in the world of social media. So we’ve put together a quick recap so you won’t miss out on…

Our Favorite Instagram Updates of 2018

  Instagram has been rolling out with new features every week! Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but it definitely feels like they have! So after some reflection, we decided to dedicate…

How the New Facebook Algorithm Affects You

The news came straight from Mark Zuckerberg’s mouth (aka his Facebook) on January 11th: Facebook would be changing their news feed algorithm. This didn’t mean just a different assortment on…

What the Hack?! Debunking Growth Hacking for Marketers

  First, the Internet became interactive. Then, it became social (shout out to all you trolls). That’s when job forums began searching the cosmos for those ubiquitous “digital strategists.” As…

Why Branding Is Critical For Your Business

Branding is the heartbeat of every business. It is a reflection of everything you do, ranging from the website you set up, the business card you distributed and other marketing…

Hulk Smash | My Top Five Ways for Breaking Through Writer’s Block by Jeff Renoe

In business there are many things that can scare you. If you’re a writer though, there’s only one thing that keeps you up at night. It’s the fear that the…

7 Ways to Boost Your Social Media Engagement by 1000%

You think 1000% is an exaggeration?! …..Well, maybe, kind of… A little bit, but these 7 things will definitely give your social media the engagement boost it needs! Sometimes, it’s…

5 Tools Everyone In The Social Media Industry Should Be Using

It doesn’t matter if you’re a team of one or a team of many, these tools will help you improve your social media by 100%. Buffer Oh, like you thought…

10 Signs You Should Invest In Social Media

Here are the warning signs that you need to start seriously investing in social media: The last time you were on your social media account was 2011 Oh, wow! Fantastic….

7 Things About Social Media Your Boss Wants To Know

If you have ever worked in the digital media world, then you have probably received a question or two on how to make ‘the Facebook work.’ The truth is there is a lot of people out there who are still trying to grasp the ever-changing landscape of social media. So, whether its your boss or client, here are 7 things they likely want to know about social media.

How to Boost Your Social Media Engagement

What is social media engagement? Well, it’s really hard to define but trust us, it’s pretty much everything. It is the air to your social media earth. Sprout Social‘s Alex…

Incredible Accounts You Should Be Following on Twitter

This is list combines our favorite design and social media influencers on Twitter right now. Let’s be real, there are a lot of knowledgeable people out there so it can…