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local business

Project Management Tips

  Project Managers play an important role in every company. It is their responsibility to manage the workflow of their team to ensure the completion of the project at hand. While…

Spotlight on New Fenway Brewery: Cheeky Monkey

Not only is Cheeky Monkey different from Lansdowne pubs, but it’s actually different in one key way from every other bar in the United States today. We chatted with Emily Tourtillotte, Cheeky Monkey’s Digital Marketing Coordinator, about what its been like starting a business in a prolific area of Boston…

5 Hacks to Optimize Your Google Images

There you are. Fiendishly pining away making your website. You believe your content tells a good story but a touch of snark, which can serve you well in your industry….

Why Branding Is Critical For Your Business

Branding is the heartbeat of every business. It is a reflection of everything you do, ranging from the website you set up, the business card you distributed and other marketing…

Hulk Smash | My Top Five Ways for Breaking Through Writer’s Block by Jeff Renoe

In business there are many things that can scare you. If you’re a writer though, there’s only one thing that keeps you up at night. It’s the fear that the…

7 Horrible Mistakes You’re Making On Instagram

Let’s face it. Nobody is perfect, especially in the world of social media. Instagram has become one of the best apps in recent years and is truly a way that…

3 Tips to Significantly Improve Your Writing

Writing can be tough. Truly. Even the best writers hesitate with their writing. Hell, most of the best writers not only struggle with the frustration of writers block but also…

Guess What? You Shouldn’t Post Whenever You Want

Ok, we know the temptation to post is real. We really do. Maybe your company just held an amazing photoshoot for your products or staff, and the photos are simply…

Social Media Marketing Tips for Restaurants

It really doesn’t matter what kind of business you’re running anymore – local or national, you need some kind of social media presence. Most especially if you have a restaurant….

7 Ways to Boost Your Social Media Engagement by 1000%

You think 1000% is an exaggeration?! …..Well, maybe, kind of… A little bit, but these 7 things will definitely give your social media the engagement boost it needs! Sometimes, it’s…

10 Signs You Should Invest In Social Media

Here are the warning signs that you need to start seriously investing in social media: The last time you were on your social media account was 2011 Oh, wow! Fantastic….

Incredible Accounts You Should Be Following on Twitter

This is list combines our favorite design and social media influencers on Twitter right now. Let’s be real, there are a lot of knowledgeable people out there so it can…

This 2017, Avoid Hard Selling Like the Plague

Let’s start 2017 by getting rid of the concept of hard-selling! We’re not saying you should never sell yourself, but most of your engagement and content should not revolve around…

Social Media Platforms: What to Choose and How to Choose Them

If there’s one question we get often it’s “what social media platforms do I need for my business?” The answer is: not every single one. Here’s the thing, while you…